(2) Ria Hardiyati (Indonesian Institute of Science, Indonesia)
(3) Mia Amelia (Indonesian Institute of Science, Indonesia)
(4) Tri Handayani (Indonesian Institute of Science, Indonesia)
*corresponding author
AbstractIndonesian scholars have published a numbers of articles in numerous international publications, however, it still lags behind other Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam. This article performs a bibliometrics analysis and examine the collaboration network in Mathematics and Statistics related subject of scholars with Indonesian affiliation as recorded in Web of Science. In total, based on article publications during 2009-2017, 426 articles were retrieved. Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) was the affiliation with the highest number of articles (48%) and number of authors (27%). Using Social Network Analysis to examine co-authorship networks, this research shows that the co-author network has the highest centrality in the ITB affiliation. Meanwhile, dependency of foreign affiliation is still high, shown as a high percentage (84% of all articles) of international co-authorship. Co-authorship network of Mathematics and Statistics related studies in Indonesia possesses as a scale-free network and followed the power law distribution. This research showed the achievement of Indonesian scholars of Mathematics and Statistics, and can be used to evaluate the knowledge transfer in these subjects and related areas.
KeywordsMathematics; Statistics; Scientometrics; Social network analysis; Co-authorship
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v4i2.120 |
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