(2) Mochamad Hariadi
(3) Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno
(4) Bambang Purwantana
(5) Radi Radi
*corresponding author
AbstractThe real data support the “seriousness” of the serious game and give more authentic situations, which can make players feel immersed in scenarios, and gain a real experience. Therefore, the modeler must be able to recognize whether a model reflects reality to identify and deal with divergences between theory and data. In this paper, we present a model for design a basis of immersive in serious games. The studied case is the tillage using a moldboard plow, by taking real data through an experiment use a device called soil bin. It aims to determine the effect of angle, depth, and speed on the soil porosity; by comparing the value of the smallest error using the polynomial function of the use of different orders. The result of an average smallest error with the polynomial approach is 1.10E-07 in the 3rd order, closer to the experimental value. Therefore, the model can be used for designing immersive serious game.
KeywordsSoil porosity; Modeling; Immersive; Serious game; Polynomial function
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v4i2.215 |
Article metricsAbstract views : 2144 | PDF views : 331 |
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