(2) Kuspriyanto Kuspriyanto

(3) Emir Mauludi Husni

(4) Dwi Hendratmo Widyantoro

*corresponding author
AbstractThis paper presents a different scheme of meeting scheduling negotiation among a large number of personnel in a heterogeneous community. This scheme, named Host-to-Host Negotiation, attempts to produce a stable schedule under uncertain personnel preferences. By collecting information from hosts’ inter organizational meeting, this study intends to guarantee personnel availability. As a consequence, personnel’s and meeting’s profile in this scheme are stored in a centralized manner. This study considers personnel preferences by adapting the Clarke Tax Mechanism, which is categorized as a non manipulated mechanism design. Finally, this paper introduces negotiation strategies based on the conflict handling mode. A host-to-host scheme can give notification if any conflict exist and lead to negotiation process with acceptable disclosed information. Nevertheless, a complete negotiation process will be more elaborated in the future works.
KeywordsMeeting Scheduling; Groupware Calendar System; Mechanism Design; Mutiagent Negotiation; Conflict Handling Mode; The Clarke Tax Mechanism
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v1i1.6 |
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International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics
ISSN 2442-6571 (print) | 2548-3161 (online)
Organized by UAD and ASCEE Computer Society
Published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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