Towards host-to-host meeting scheduling negotiation

(1) * Rani Megasari Mail (Indonesia University of Education and STEI Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
(2) Kuspriyanto Kuspriyanto Mail (STEI Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
(3) Emir Mauludi Husni Mail (STEI Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
(4) Dwi Hendratmo Widyantoro Mail (STEI Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


This paper presents a different scheme of meeting scheduling negotiation among a large number of personnel in a heterogeneous community. This scheme, named Host-to-Host Negotiation, attempts to produce a stable schedule under uncertain personnel preferences. By collecting information from hosts’ inter organizational meeting, this study intends to guarantee personnel availability. As a consequence, personnel’s and meeting’s profile in this scheme are stored in a centralized manner. This study considers personnel preferences by adapting the Clarke Tax Mechanism, which is categorized as a non manipulated mechanism design. Finally, this paper introduces negotiation strategies based on the conflict handling mode. A host-to-host scheme can give notification if any conflict exist and lead to negotiation process with acceptable disclosed information. Nevertheless, a complete negotiation process will be more elaborated in the future works.


Meeting Scheduling; Groupware Calendar System; Mechanism Design; Mutiagent Negotiation; Conflict Handling Mode; The Clarke Tax Mechanism



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International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics
ISSN 2442-6571  (print) | 2548-3161 (online)
Organized by UAD and ASCEE Computer Society
Published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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