Korean popular culture analytics in social media streaming: evidence from YouTube channels in Thailand

(1) * Wirapong Chansanam Mail (Department of Information Science, Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
(2) Kulthida Tuamsuk Mail (Department of Information Science, Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
(3) Kanyarat Kwiecien Mail (Department of Information Science, Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
(4) Sam Oh Mail (Faculty of Library and Information Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of)
*corresponding author


This research aimed to study and analyze the influence and impact of Korean popular culture (K-pop) on Thai society. In this study, we used Social Network Analysis (SNA) to analyze streaming data obtained from a variety of YouTube channels belonging to YouTubers across the world, text analytics to analyze demographic characteristics, YouTuber's presentation techniques, as well as subscriber behavior, and multiple correlations analysis to analyze the relationship between factors affecting YouTube Channels in Thailand. The findings revealed that five Thai YouTube Channels were influencing Thai society. Furthermore, there were robust positive correlations between the number of dislikes and the number of comments (0.79), and the number of likes and comments (0.65). Additionally, there was a positive correlation between the number of views and the number of dislikes and one between the number of likes and dislikes. Future research can supplement the present findings with other social media sources to yield an even more diverse and comprehensive analysis. These analytics can be applied to various situations, including corporate marketing strategies, political campaigns, or disease/symptom analysis in medicine. This research extends to social computing by revealing intelligent trends in social networks.


Social network analysis; Korean popular culture; YouTube channels; Social media streaming; Text analytics




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