(2) Wiwien Hadikurniawati

(3) * Anindita Septiarini

(4) Hamdani Hamdani

*corresponding author
AbstractBatik is a sort of cultural heritage fabric that originated in many areas of Indonesia. It can be traced back to many different parts of Indonesia. Each region, particularly Semarang in Central Java, Indonesia, has its Batik design. Unfortunately, due to a lack of knowledge, not all residents can recognize the types of Semarang batik. Therefore, this study proposed an automated method for classifying Semarang batik. Semarang batik was classified into five categories according to this method: Asem Arang, Blekok Warak, Gambang Semarangan, Kembang Sepatu, and Semarangan. It is required to analyze the color features based on the color space to develop discriminative features since color was able to differentiate these batik patterns. Color features were produced based on the RGB, HSV, YIQ, and YCbCr color spaces. Four different kernels were used to feed these features into the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier: linear, polynomial, sigmoid, and radial basis functions. The experiment was carried out using a local dataset of 1000 batik images classified into five classes (each class contains 200 images). A cross-validation test with a k-fold value of 10 was performed to analyze the method. In each of the SVM Kernels, the results showed that the proposed method achieved an accuracy value of 100% by utilizing the YIQ color space, which was reliable throughout all the tests.
Keywordsfeature extraction; color moment; YIQ; SVM; cross validation
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v8i2.821 |
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