Abnormal behavior recognition using SRU with attention mechanism

(1) Nian Chi Tay Mail (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
(2) * Tee Connie Mail (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
(3) Thian Song Ong Mail (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
(4) Andrew Beng Jin Teoh Mail (Yonsei University, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of)
(5) Pin Shen Teh Mail (Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom)
*corresponding author


In response to the critical need for enhanced public safety measures, this study introduces an advanced intelligent surveillance system designed to autonomously detect abnormal behaviors within public spaces. Leveraging the computational efficiency and accuracy of a Simple Recurrent Unit (SRU) integrated with an attention mechanism, this research delivers a novel approach towards understanding and interpreting human interactions in real-time video footage. Distinctively, the model specializes in identifying two primary categories of abnormal behavior: aggressive two-person interactions such as physical confrontations and collective crowd dynamics, characterized by sudden dispersal patterns indicative of distress or danger. The incorporation of Attention mechanism precisely targets critical elements of behavior, thereby enhancing the model's focus and interpretative clarity. Empirical validation across five benchmark datasets reveals that our model not only outperforms traditional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) frameworks in terms of speed by a factor of 1.5 but also demonstrates superior accuracy in abnormal behavior recognition. These findings not only underscore the model's potential in preempting potential safety threats but also mark a significant advancement in the application of deep learning technologies for public security infrastructures. This research contributes to the broader discourse on public safety, offering actionable insights and robust technological solutions to enhance surveillance efficacy and response mechanisms in critical public domains.


Abnormal Behavior Recognition;Simple Recurrent Unit;Attention Mechanism;Long Short-Term Memory




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