Covid-19 detection using modified xception transfer learning approach from computed tomography images

(1) * Kenan Morani Mail (Izmir Democracy University, Izmir, Turkey)
(2) Esra Kaya Ayana Mail (Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey)
(3) Devrim Unay Mail (Izmir Democracy University, Izmir, Turkey)
*corresponding author


The significance of efficient and accurate diagnosis amidst the unique challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic underscores the urgency for innovative approaches. In response to these challenges, we propose a transfer learning-based approach using a recently annotated Computed Tomography (CT) image database. While many approaches propose an intensive data preprocessing and/or complex model architecture, our method focuses on offering an efficient solution with minimal manual engineering. Specifically, we investigate the suitability of a modified Xception model for COVID-19 detection. The method involves adapting a pre-trained Xception model, incorporating both the architecture and pre-trained weights from ImageNet. The output of the model was designed to make the final diagnosis decisions. The training utilized 128 batch sizes and 224x224 input image dimensions, downsized from standard 512x512. No further da processing was performed on the input data. Evaluation is conducted on the 'COV19-CT-DB' CT image dataset, containing labeled COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 cases. Results reveal the method's superiority in accuracy, precision, recall, and macro F1 score on the validation subset, outperforming the VGG-16 transfer model and thus offering enhanced precision with fewer parameters. Furthermore, compared to alternative methods for the COV19-CT-DB dataset, our approach exceeds the baseline approach and other alternatives on the same dataset. Finally, the adaptability of the modified Xception transfer learning-based model to the unique features of the COV19-CT-DB dataset showcases its potential as a robust tool for enhanced COVID-19 diagnosis from CT images.


COVID-19 detection; Computed tomography images; Xception; Macro F1 score



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