Self-supervised few-shot learning for real-time traffic sign classification

(1) Anh-Khoa Tho Nguyen Mail (Department of Computer Science, Vietnamese German University, Viet Nam)
(2) Tin Tran Mail (AI Graduate School, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of)
(3) Phuc Hong Nguyen Mail (Department of Software Engineering, Eastern International University, Viet Nam)
(4) * Vinh Quang Dinh Mail (Department of Computer Science, Vietnamese German University, Viet Nam)
*corresponding author


Although supervised approaches for traffic sign classification have demonstrated excellent performance, they are limited to classifying several traffic signs defined in the training dataset. This prevents them from being applied to different domains, i.e., different countries. Herein, we propose a self-supervised approach for few-shot learning-based traffic sign classification. A center-awareness similarity network is designed for the traffic sign problem and trained using an optical flow dataset. Unlike existing supervised traffic sign classification methods, the proposed method does not depend on traffic sign categories defined by the training dataset. It applies to any traffic signs from different countries. We construct a Korean traffic sign classification (KTSC) dataset, including 6000 traffic sign samples and 59 categories. We evaluate the proposed method with baseline methods using the KTSC, German traffic sign, and Belgian traffic sign classification datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed method extends the ability of existing supervised methods and can classify any traffic sign, regardless of region/country dependence. Furthermore, the proposed approach significantly outperforms baseline methods for patch similarity. This approach provides a flexible and robust solution for classifying traffic signs, allowing for accurate categorization of every traffic sign, regardless of regional or national differences.


Traffic sign classification; One-shot learning; Few-shot learning; Self-supervised learning; CLIP-based approach



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