Target threat assessment using fuzzy sets theory

(1) * Ehsan Azimirad Mail (Hakim Sabzevari University, Iran, Islamic Republic of)
(2) Javad Haddadnia Mail (Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran, Islamic Republic of)
*corresponding author


The threat evaluation is significant component in target classification process and is significant in military and non military applications. Small errors or mistakes in threat evaluation and target classification especial in military applications can result in huge damage of life and property. Threat evaluation helps in case of weapon assignment, and intelligence sensor support system. It is very important factor to analyze the behavior of enemy tactics as well as our surveillance. This paper represented a precise description of the threat evaluation process using fuzzy sets theory. A review has been carried out regarding which parameters that have been suggested for threat value calculation. For the first time in this paper, eleven parameters are introduced for threat evaluation so that this parameters increase the accuracy in designed system. The implemented threat evaluation system has been applied to a synthetic air defense scenario and four real time dynamic air defense scenarios. The simulation results show the correctness, accuracy, reliability and minimum errors in designing of threat evaluation system


Threat assessment; Military applications; Fuzzy sets theory; Dynamic air targets; Multi sensor data fusion



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