(2) Kelly Rossa Sungkono (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia)
*corresponding author
AbstractAlgorithms of process discovery help analysts to understand business processes and problems in a system by creating a process model based on a log of the system. There are existing algorithms of process discovery, namely graph-based. Of all algorithms, there are algorithms that process graph-database to depict a process model. Those algorithms claimed that those have less time complexity because of the graph-database ability to store relationships. This research analyses graph-based algorithms by measuring the time complexity and performance metrics and comparing them with a widely used algorithm, i.e. Alpha Miner and its expansion. Other than that, this research also gives outline explanations about graph-based algorithms and their focus issues. Based on the evaluations, the graph-based algorithm has high performance and less time complexity than Alpha Miner algorithm.
KeywordsSurvey; Graph database; Process discovery; Quality
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v5i2.296 |
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