Optimized biometric system based iris-signature for human identification

(1) * Muthana Hachim Hamd Mail (Computer Engineering Department, Al-Mustansiriyah University, Iraq)
*corresponding author


This research aimed at comparing iris-signature techniques, namely the Sequential Technique (ST) and the Standard Deviation Technique (SDT). Both techniques were measured by Backpropagation (BP), Probabilistic, Radial basis function (RBF), and Euclidian distance (ED) classifiers. A biometric system-based iris is developed to identify 30 of CASIA-v1 and 10 subjects from the Real-iris datasets. Then, the proposed unimodal system uses Fourier descriptors to extract the iris features and represent them as an iris-signature graph. The 150 values of input machine vector were optimized to include only high-frequency coefficients of the iris-signature, then the two optimization techniques are applied and compared. The first optimization (ST) selects sequentially new feature values with different lengths from the enrichment graph region that has rapid frequency changes. The second technique (SDT) chooses the high variance coefficients as a new feature of vectors based on the standard deviation formula. The results show that SDT achieved better recognition performance with the lowest vector-lengths, while Probabilistic and BP have the best accuracy.


Iris recognition; Fourier descriptors; Iris-Signature; Neural network; Optimization techniques




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