(2) Bhumanapally Ravindhranath Reddy

(3) Munagala Surya Kalavathi

*corresponding author
AbstractIn this paper a Progressive particle swarm optimization algorithm (PPS) is used to solve optimal reactive power problem. A Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm maintains a swarm of particles, where each particle has position vector and velocity vector which represents the potential solutions of the particles. These vectors are modernized from the information of global best (Gbest) and personal best (Pbest) of the swarm. All particles move in the search space to obtain optimal solution. In this paper a new concept is introduced of calculating the velocity of the particles with the help of Euclidian Distance conception. This new-fangled perception helps in finding whether the particle is closer to Pbest or Gbest and updates the velocity equation consequently. By this we plan to perk up the performance in terms of the optimal solution within a rational number of generations. The projected PPS has been tested on standard IEEE 30 bus test system and simulation results show clearly the better performance of the proposed algorithm in reducing the real power loss with control variables are within the limits.
KeywordsPbest, Gbest, optimization, optimal reactive power, Transmission loss.
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v1i3.42 |
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