(2) Dharmendra Singh (ECE Deptt., IIT Roorkee, India, India)
(3) Lalit Mohan Saini (Electrical Engg. Deptt., NIT Kurukshetra, India, India)
*corresponding author
AbstractFull polarimetry SAR data known as PolSAR contains information in terms of microwave energy backscattered through different scattering mechanisms (surface-, double- and volume-scattering) by the targets on the surface of land. These scattering mechanisms information is different in different features. Similarly, different classifiers have different capabilities as far as identification of the targets corresponding to these scattering mechanisms. Extraction of different features and the role of classifier are important for the purpose of identifying which feature is the most suitable with which classifier for land cover classification. Selection of suitable features and their combinations have always been an active area of research for the development of advanced classification algorithms. Fully polarimetric data has its own advantages because its different channels give special scattering feature for various land cover. Therefore, first hand statistics HH, HV and VV of PolSAR data along with their ratios and linear combinations should be investigated for exploring their importance vis-à-vis relevant classifier for land management at the global scale. It has been observed that individually first hand statistics yield low accuracies. And their ratios are also not improving the results either. However, improved accuracies are achieved when these natural features are stacked together.
KeywordsPolSAR features; Land cover classification; Supervised and unsupervised classification; Scattering mechanisms; Backscattering coefficients; Feature extraction and selection
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v2i1.52 |
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