Signature recognition using neural network probabilistic

(1) * Heri Nurdiyanto Mail (STMIK Dharma Wacana, Indonesia)
(2) Hermanto Hermanto Mail (STMIK Dharma Wacana, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


The signature of each person is different and has unique characteristics. Thus, this paper discusses the development of a personal identification system based on it is unique digital signature. The process of preprocessing used gray scale method, while Shannon Entropy and Probabilistic Neural Network are used respectively for feature extraction and identification. This study uses five signature types with five signatures in every type. While the test results compared to actual data compared to real data, the proposed system performance was only 40%.


probabilistic neural network; entropy; identification of signatures



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International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics
ISSN 2442-6571  (print) | 2548-3161 (online)
Organized by UAD and ASCEE Computer Society
Published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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