(2) Khabib Mustafa

*corresponding author
AbstractAim of this study is designing a method for automatic gamelan music composition using rule-base expert system approach. The program is designed for non-expert user in order to help them composing gamelan music or analyzing their composition to achieve explanation and recommendation of ideal composition. There are 2 essential components in this method, which are knowledge and inference. Knowledge is represented into basic knowledge and melodic knowledge. Basic knowledge contains rules that control the structure of gamelan song, and melodic knowledge supports system in composing or analyzing notations sequence that fit the characteristics of melody in gamelan music. Basic knowledge represents basic rules of gamelan music that have quantitative value, so deterministic approach is used for basic knowledge acquisition. Melodic knowledge consists of dynamic data, so stochastic approach is used to create the melodic knowledge base. The rules of composing and analyzing a composition are defined based on basic knowledge and melodic knowledge. The inference engine is designed to compose and analyze a composition. Automatic composition for gamelan music is proposed using Generate and Test method (GAT) with random technique, and composition analysis is proposed using backward chaining method
KeywordsGamelan; Automatic Composition; Rule-based Expert Systems
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v2i1.57 |
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