The extraction of beautiful sound patterns from Sunthorn Phu’s poem using machine learning technique and internal rhyme rule

(1) * Pattarakorn Suksanguan Mail (Silpakorn University, Thailand)
(2) Sajjaporn Waijanya Mail (Silpakorn University, Thailand)
(3) Nuttachot Promrit Mail (Silpakorn University, Thailand)
*corresponding author


The melodious poems have been written from the distinctive features of poetry or based on each country's typical style. Especially, Thai poems which composed by the use of specific forming, such as Internal Rhyme to develop melodiousness. The most attractive and well-known poems were composed by a genius Thai poet named Sunthorn Phu. He is a role model for Thai poets. UNESCO honored him as the world’s great poet and the best role model in poetry works. In this article, we proposed extracting 15,796 sentences (Waks) of the beautiful sound patterns of Phra Aphai Mani’s tales by machine learning technology in conjunction with the rules of internal Rhyme Klon-Suphap by using the Apriori Algorithm. The extraction of vowel rhymes separated by a group of Waks including 1) Poem Wak No. 1; 2) Poem Wak No. 2; 3) Poem Wak No. 3; and 4) Poem Wak No. 4. In this article, “Wak” means sentence. The created tool can extract the internal rhyme patterns and the 25 popular pattern vowels. The popular pattern illustrates the melodiousness of the Poem and sets up a standard of how to melodiously compose a poem. Then, the evaluation of the experiments was done by using 144 Waks selected from the extraction of the beautiful patterns and evaluated by the consistency score from 3 experts. The average accuracy score resulted in 95.30%.


Machine Learning; Apriori Algorithm; Rule Base; Sunthorn Phu; Sound Pattern



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