(2) Ahmad Naim Che Pee

(3) Sarni Suhaila Rahim

(4) * Aji Prasetya Wibawa

*corresponding author
AbstractComputation ranking algorithms are widely used in several informatics fields. One of them is the PageRank algorithm, recognized as the most popular search engine globally. Many researchers have improvised the ranking algorithm in order to get better results. Recent research using Rayleigh Quotient to speed up PageRank can guarantee the convergence of the dominant eigenvalues as a key value for stopping computation. Bolzano's method has a convergence character on a linear function by dividing an interval into two intervals for better convergence. This research aims to implant the Bolzano algorithm into Rayleigh for faster computation. This research produces an algorithm that has been tested and validated by mathematicians, which shows an optimization speed of a maximum 7.08% compared to the sole Rayleigh approach. Analysis of computation results using statistics software shows that the degree of the curve of the new algorithm, which is Rayleigh with Bolzano booster (RB), is positive and more significant than the original method. In other words, the linear function will always be faster in the subsequent computation than the previous method.
KeywordsPageRank; Optimization; Bolzano method; Rayleigh quotient; Eigenvalue
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v8i1.718 |
Article metricsAbstract views : 864 | PDF views : 238 |
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