Review implementation of linguistic approach in schema matching

(1) * Galih Hendro Martono Mail (Doctoral Program of Computer Science at Department of Computer Science & Electronics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
(2) Azhari SN Mail (Department of Computer Science & Electronics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


Research related schema matching has been conducted since last decade. Few approach related schema matching has been conducted with various methods such as neuron network, feature selection, constrain based, instance based, linguistic, and so on. Some field used schema matching as basic model such as e-commerce, e-business and data warehousing. Implementation of linguistic approach itself has been used a long time with various problem such as to calculated entity similarity values in two or more schemas. The purpose of this paper was to provide an overview of previous studies related to the implementation of the linguistic approach in the schema matching and finding gap for the development of existing methods. Futhermore, this paper focused on measurement of similarity in linguistic approach in schema matching.


Schema Matching; Linguistic Approach; Natural Language Processing; Similarity Measure



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