(2) * Anita Desiani

(3) Sugandi Yahdin

(4) Ajeng Islamia Putri

(5) Rifkie Primartha

(6) Husaini Husaini

*corresponding author
AbstractDiabetic Retinopathy is a effect of diabetes. It results abnormalities in the retinal blood vessels. The abnormalities can cause blurry vision and blindness. Automatic retinal blood vessels segmentation on retinal image can detect abnormalities in these blood vessels, actually resulting in faster and more accurate segmentation results. The paper proposed an automatic blood vessel segmentation method that combined Otsu Thresholding with image enhancement techniques. In image enhancement, it combined CLAHE with Top-hat transformation to improve image quality. The study used DRIVE dataset that provided retinal image data. The image data in dataset was generated by the fundus camera. The CLAHE and Top-hat transformation methods were applied to rise the contrast and reduce noise on the image. The images that had good quality could help the segmentation process to find blood vessels in retinal images appropriately by a computer. It improved the performance of the segmentation method for detecting blood vessels in retinal image. Otsu Thresholding was used to segment blood vessel pixels and other pixels as background by local threshold. To evaluation performance of the proposed method, the study has been measured accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. The DRIVE dataset's study results showed that the averages of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity values were 94.7%, 72.28%, and 96.87%, respectively. It indicated that the proposed method was successful and well to work on blood vessels segmentation retinal images especially for thick blood vessels.
KeywordsSegmentation; Image Enchancement; Otsu Thresholding; Top-Hat Transformation; Blood Vessels; Retina;
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v8i2.779 |
Article metricsAbstract views : 1362 | PDF views : 196 |
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