Incremental multiclass open-set audio recognition

(1) * Hitham Jleed Mail (University of Ottawa School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science., Canada)
(2) Martin Bouchard Mail (University of Ottawa School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science., Canada)
*corresponding author


Incremental learning aims to learn new classes if they emerge while maintaining the performance for previously known classes. It acquires useful information from incoming data to update the existing models. Open-set recognition, however, requires the ability to recognize examples from known classes and reject examples from new/unknown classes. There are two main challenges in this matter. First, new class discovery: the algorithm needs to not only recognize known classes but it must also detect unknown classes. Second, model extension: after the new classes are identified, the model needs to be updated. Focusing on this matter, we introduce incremental open-set multiclass support vector machine algorithms that can classify examples from seen/unseen classes, using incremental learning to increase the current model with new classes without entirely retraining the system. Comprehensive evaluations are carried out on both open set recognition and incremental learning. For open-set recognition, we adopt the openness test that examines the effectiveness of a varying number of known/unknown labels. For incremental learning, we adapt the model to detect a single novel class in each incremental phase and update the model with unknown classes. Experimental results show promising performance for the proposed methods, compared with some representative previous methods.


Incremental Learning Open-Set Recognition Support Vector Machine Audio Recognition



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