(2) Hoai Nhan Tran

(3) Thi Uyen Thi Nguyen

(4) Dinh Khang Tran

*corresponding author
AbstractThere are various types of multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) problems in our daily lives and decision-making problems under uncertain environments with vague and imprecise information involved. Therefore, linguistic multi-attribute decision-making problems are an important type studied extensively. Besides, it is easier for decision-makers to use linguistic terms to evaluate/choose among alternatives in real life. Based on the theoretical foundation of the Hedge algebra and linguistic many-valued logic, this study aims to address multi-attribute decision-making problems by linguistic valued qualitative aggregation and reasoning method. In this paper, we construct a finite monotonous Hedge algebra for modeling the linguistic information related to MADM problems and use linguistic many-valued logic for deducing the outcome of decision making. Our method computes directly on linguistic terms without numerical approximation. This method takes advantage of linguistic information processing and shows the benefit of Hedge algebra.
KeywordsLinguistic MADM; Multi-attribute decision-making; Hedge algebra; Linguistic many-valued logic; Linguistic reasoning
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v8i1.820 |
Article metricsAbstract views : 1067 | PDF views : 252 |
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