(2) * Cong-Danh Huynh

*corresponding author
AbstractDeep learning utilization to optimize block-structured communication systems has attracted tremendous attention from researchers. Nevertheless, owing to the extensive data transmission between the transmitter and the receiver, communication, in this case, is hard to establish and maintain effectively. As a solution for this, we first investigate typical end-to-end learning for a communication system, Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). Then, two problems associated with GAN-based systems, the gradient vanishing and overfitting, are reviewed. Subsequently, a residual aided GAN (RA-GAN) is proposed as means to overcome these problems. In the proposed learning scheme, the residual learning and the regularization method are used to mitigate the gradient vanishing and over-fitting problems. In the proposed learning scheme, the residual learning and the regularization method are used to mitigate the gradient vanishing and over-fitting problems. Finally, the numerical results performed in MATLAB for simulation and Codelabs for training have proven that the RA-GAN scheme has near-optimal performance and outperforms the conventional GAN scheme. Throughout this case study, readers can understand the issues that would occur when deep learning is applied to a communication system and possible approaches to address them.
KeywordsArtificial neural networks; Communication systems; Reinforcement; learning-based training; Channel models
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v8i3.896 |
Article metricsAbstract views : 879 | PDF views : 173 |
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