Who danced better? ranked tiktok dance video dataset and pairwise action quality assessment method

(1) * Irwandi Hipiny Mail (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia)
(2) Hamimah Ujir Mail (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia)
(3) Aidil Azli Alias Mail (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia)
(4) Musdi Shanat Mail (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia)
(5) Mohamad Khairi Ishak Mail (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)
*corresponding author


Video-based action quality assessment (AQA) is a non-trivial task due to the subtle visual differences between data produced by experts and non-experts. Current methods are extended from the action recognition domain where most are based on temporal pattern matching. AQA has additional requirements where order and tempo matter for rating the quality of an action. We present a novel dataset of ranked TikTok dance videos, and a pairwise AQA method for predicting which video of a same-label pair was sourced from the better dancer. Exhaustive pairings of same-label videos were randomly assigned to 100 human annotators, ultimately producing a ranked list per label category. Our method relies on a successful detection of the subject’s 2D pose inside successive query frames where the order and tempo of actions are encoded inside a produced String sequence. The detected 2D pose returns a top-matching Visual word from a Codebook to represent the current frame. Given a same-label pair, we generate a String value of concatenated Visual words for each video. By computing the edit distance score between each String value and the Gold Standard’s (i.e., the top-ranked video(s) for that label category), we declare the video with the lower score as the winner. The pairwise AQA method is implemented using two schemes, i.e., with and without text compression. Although the average precision for both schemes over 12 label categories is low, at 0.45 with text compression and 0.48 without, precision values for several label categories are comparable to past methods’ (median: 0.47, max: 0.66).


Action Quality Assessment; Dance Video Dataset; Human Activity Analysis; String Matching; Visual Codebook




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