Gender recognition based fingerprints using dynamic horizontal voting ensemble deep learning

(1) * Olorunsola Stephen Olufunso Mail (Department of Computer Science, Nigeria Defence Academy, Nigeria)
(2) Abraham Eseoghene Evwiekpaefe Mail (Department of Computer Science, Nigeria Defence Academy, Niger)
(3) Martins Ekata Irhebhude Mail (Department of Computer Science, Nigeria Defence Academy, Niger)
*corresponding author


Despite tremendous advancements in gender equality, there are still persistent gender disparities, especially in important human activities. Consequently, gender inequality and related concerns are serious problems in our global society. Major players in the global economy have identified the gender identity system as a crucial stepping stone for bridging the enormous gap in gender-based problems. Extensive research conducted by forensic scientists has uncovered a unique pattern in the fingerprint, and these distinguishing characteristics of fingerprints can be utilized to determine the gender of individuals. Numerous research has revealed various fingerprint-based approaches to gender recognition. This research aims to present a novel dynamic horizontal voting ensemble model with a hybrid Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) deep learning algorithm as the base learner to determine human gender attributes based on fingerprint patterns automatically. More than four thousand Live fingerprint images were acquired and subjected to training, testing, and classification using the proposed model. The results of this study indicated over 99% accuracy in predicting a person’s gender. The proposed model also performed better than other state-of-the-art models, such as ResNet-34, VGG-19, ResNet-50, and EfficientNet-B3, when implemented on the SOCOFing public dataset.


Deep learning; fingerprint pattern; classification; gender; soft biometric



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