Time-frequency analysis on gong timor music using short-time fourier transform and continuous wavelet transform

(1) * Yovinia Carmeneja Hoar Siki Mail (Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira, Kupang, Indonesia)
(2) Natalia Magdalena Rafu Mamulak Mail (Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira, Kupang, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


Time-Frequency Analysis on Gong Timor Music has an important role in the application of signal-processing music such as tone tracking and music transcription or music signal notation. Some of Gong characters is heard by different ways of forcing Gong himself, such as how to play Gong based on the Player’s senses, a set of Gong, and by changing the tempo of Gong instruments. Gong's musical signals have more complex analytical criteria than Western music instrument analysis. This research uses a Gong instrument and two notations; frequency analysis of Gong music frequency compared by the Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT), Overlap Short-time Fourier Transform (OSTFT), and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) method. In the STFT and OSTFT methods, time-frequency analysis Gong music is used with different windows and hop size while CWT method uses Morlet wavelet. The results show that the CWT is better than the STFT methods.


gong's musical signals; time-frequency analysis; STFT; OSTFT; CWT




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