Fast and stable direct relative orientation of UAV-based stereo pair

(1) * Martinus Edwin Tjahjadi Mail (National Institute of technology (ITN) Malang, Indonesia)
(2) Fransisca Dwi Agustina Mail (National Institute of technology (ITN) Malang, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


Coplanarity-based relative orientation (RO) is one of the most crucial processes to obtain reliable 3D model and point clouds in Computer Vision and Photogrammetry community. Whilst a classical and rigorous procedure requires very close approximate values of five independent parameters, a direct method needs additional constraints to solve the parameters. This paper proposes a new approach that facilitates a very fast but stable and accurate solution from five point correspondences between two overlapping aerial images taken form unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flight. Furthermore, if 3D coordinates of perspective centers are available form geotagged images, rotational elements of the RO parameters can be quickly solved using three correspondences only. So it is very reliable for a provision of closed-form solutions for the rigorous methods. Our formulation regards Thompson’s parameterizations of Euler angles in composing a coplanarity condition. Nonlinear terms are subsequently added into a stereo parallax within a constant term under a linear least squares criteria. This strategy is considered new as compared with the known literatures since the proposed approach can find optimal solution. Results from real datasets confirm that our method produces a fast, stable and reliable linear solution by using at least five correspondences or even only three conjugate points of geotagged image pairs.


Relative Orientation; Closed-Form Solution; Stereoscopic Processing



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