Japanese sign language classification based on gathered images and neural networks

(1) * Shin-ichi Ito Mail (Tokushima University, Japan)
(2) Momoyo Ito Mail (Tokushima University, Japan)
(3) Minoru Fukumi Mail (Tokushima University, Japan)
*corresponding author


This paper proposes a method to classify words in Japanese Sign Language (JSL). This approach employs a combined gathered image generation technique and a neural network with convolutional and pooling layers (CNNs). The gathered image generation generates images based on mean images. Herein, the maximum difference value is between blocks of mean and JSL motions images. The gathered images comprise blocks that having the calculated maximum difference value. CNNs extract the features of the gathered images, while a support vector machine for multi-class classification, and a multilayer perceptron are employed to classify 20 JSL words. The experimental results had 94.1% for the mean recognition accuracy of the proposed method. These results suggest that the proposed method can obtain information to classify the sample words.


Japanese sign language; Gathered image; Mean image; Convolutional neural network




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