Simulation of queue with cyclic service in signalized intersection system

(1) * Muhammad Dermawan Mulyodiputro Mail (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
(2) Subanar Subanar Mail (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


The simulation was implemented by modeling the queue with cyclic service in the signalized intersection system. The service policies used in this study were exhaustive and gated, the model was the M/M/1 queue, the arrival rate used was Poisson distribution and the services rate used was Exponential distribution. In the gated service policy, the server served only vehicles that came before the green signal appears at an intersection. Considered that there were 2 types of exhaustive policy in the signalized intersection system, namely normal exhaustive (vehicles only served during the green signal was still active), and exhaustive (there was the green signal duration addition at the intersection, when the green signal duration at an intersection finished). The results of this queueing simulation program were to obtain characteristics and performance of the system, i.e. average number of vehicles and waiting time of vehicles in the intersection and in the system, as well as system utilities. Then from these values, it would be known which of the cyclic service policies (normal exhaustive, exhaustive and gated) was the most suitable when applied to a signalized intersection system


Cyclic service; Exhaustive; Normal exhaustive; Gated; Signalized intersection system



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International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics
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