Link stability - based optimal routing path for efficient data communication in MANET

(1) * Renisha Pulinchuvallil Salim Mail (Bharathiyar University, India)
(2) Rajesh Ramachandran Mail (CHRIST (Deemed to be university), Bangalore, India)
*corresponding author


The paper delves into the complexities of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), which consist of a diverse array of wireless nodes. In such networks, routing packets poses a significant challenge due to their dynamic nature. Despite the variety of techniques available for optimizing routing in MANETs, persistent issues like packet loss, routing overhead, and End-to-End Delay (EED) remain prevalent. In response to these challenges, the paper proposes a novel approach for efficient Data Communication (DC) by introducing a Link Stability (LS)-based optimal routing path. This approach leverages several advanced techniques, including Pearson Correlation Coefficient SWIFFT (PCC-SWIFFT), Galois-based Digital Signature Algorithm (G-DSA), and Entropy-based Gannet Optimization Algorithm (E-GOA). The proposed methodology involves a systematic process. Initially, the nodes in the MANET are initialized to establish the network infrastructure. Subsequently, the Canberra-based K Means (C-K Means) algorithm is employed to identify Neighboring Nodes (NNs), which are pivotal for creating communication links within the network. To ensure secure communication, secret keys (SK) are generated for both the Sender Node (SN) and the Receiver Node (RN) using Galois Theory. Following this, PCC-SWIFFT methodologies are utilized to generate hash codes, serving as unique identifiers for data packets or routing information. Signatures are created and verified at the SN and RN using the G-DSA. Verified nodes are subsequently added to the routing entry table, facilitating the establishment of multiple paths within the network. The Optimal Path (OP) is selected using the E-GOA, considering factors such as link stability and network congestion. Finally, Data Communication (DC) is initiated, continuously monitoring LS to ensure optimal routing performance. Comparative analysis with existing methodologies demonstrates the superior performance of the proposed model. In summary, the proposed approach offers a comprehensive solution to enhance routing efficiency in MANETs by addressing critical issues and leveraging advanced algorithms for key generation, signature verification, and path optimization


Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET); Optimal routing path; C-K Means; SWIFFT; Digital signature Algorithm (DSA); Gannet Optimization Algorithm (GOA); Data communication and link stability



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