A survey on computer vision technology in Camera Based ETA devices

(1) * Amir Ramezani Dooraki Mail (Technology Park Malaysia, Malaysia)
*corresponding author


Electronic Travel Aid systems are expected to make impaired persons able to perform their everyday tasks such as finding an object and avoiding obstacles easier. Among ETA devices, Camera Based ETA devices are the new one and with a high potential for helping Visually Impaired Persons. With recent advances in computer science and specially computer vision, Camera Based ETA devices used several computer vision algorithms and techniques such as object recognition and stereo vision in order to help VIP to perform tasks such as reading banknotes, recognizing people and avoiding obstacles. This paper analyses and appraises a number of literatures in this area with focus on stereo vision technique. Finally, after discussing about the methods and techniques used in different literatures, it is concluded that the stereo vision is the best technique for helping VIP in their everyday navigation.


Computer Vision; Visually Impaired Person; Camera Based Electronic Travel Aid; Stereo Vision; Obstacle Detection; RANSAC; V-disparity




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