*corresponding author
AbstractA silhouette index is a well-known measure of an internal criteria validation for the clustering algorithm results. While it is a medoid-based validation index, a centroid-based validation index that is called a centroid-based shadow value (CSV) has been developed. Although both are similar, the CSV has an additional unique property where an image of a 2-dimensional neighborhood graph is possible. A new internal validation index is proposed in this article in order to create a medoid-based validation that has an ability to visualize the results in a 2-dimensional plot. The proposed index behaves similarly to the silhouette index and produces a network visualization, which is comparable to the neighborhood graph of the CSV. The network visualization has a multiplicative parameter (c) to adjust its edges visibility. Due to the medoid-based, in addition, it is more an appropriate visualization technique for any type of data than a neighborhood graph of the CSV.
KeywordsCluster validation; Cluster visualization; Internal criteria; Medoid; Shadow value
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v5i2.326 |
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