Evolutionary deep belief networks with bootstrap sampling for imbalanced class datasets

(1) A’inur A’fifah Amri Mail (Department of Computer Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia)
(2) * Amelia Ritahani Ismail Mail (Department of Computer Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia)
(3) Omar Abdelaziz Mohammad Mail (Department of Computer Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia)
*corresponding author


Imbalanced class data is a common issue faced in classification tasks. Deep Belief Networks (DBN) is a promising deep learning algorithm when learning from complex feature input. However, when handling imbalanced class data, DBN encounters low performance as other machine learning algorithms. In this paper, the genetic algorithm (GA) and bootstrap sampling are incorporated into DBN to lessen the drawbacks occurs when imbalanced class datasets are used. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with DBN and is evaluated using performance metrics. The results showed that there is an improvement in performance when Evolutionary DBN with bootstrap sampling is used to handle imbalanced class datasets.




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