(2) Dian Sukma Pratiwi

(3) Aldho Riski Irawan

(4) Kartika Fithriasari

*corresponding author
AbstractObserving large dimension time series could be time-consuming. One identification and classification approach is a time series clustering. This study aimed to compare the accuracy of two algorithms, hierarchical cluster and K-Means cluster, using ACF’s distance for clustering stationary and non-stationary time series data. This research uses both simulation and real datasets. The simulation generates 7 stationary data models and another 7 of non-stationary data models. On the other hands, the real dataset is the daily temperature data in 34 cities in Indonesia. As a result, K-Means algorithm has the highest accuracy for both data models.
KeywordsAutocorrelation Distance; Hierarchical Algorithm; K-Means Algorithm; Non Stationary Time Series; Stationary Time Series
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v3i3.98 |
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