(2) Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo (Chiba University, Japan)
(3) Dewandra bagus eka putra (Universitas Islam Riau, Indonesia)
(4) Adi Suryadi (Universitas Islam Riau, Indonesia)
(5) Gevisioner Gevisioner (Research and Development Board, Government of Riau Province, Indonesia)
*corresponding author
AbstractPekanbaru, Indonesia is connected by four big bridges, Siak Bridge; I, II, III and IV. The quality of the Siak bridges deteriorated seriously at this time. Geological mapping for the land subsidence potency was conducted using small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in the Siak Bridge areas. The study of the Siak bridges are supported by the Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) analysis using ALOS PALSAR satellite data, and the deflection observation that occurs in Siak III Bridge was observed by field measurement. The results of 3D model analysis showed that there is no negative land deformation. DInSAR analysis shows the amount of positive deformation of Siak I is 81 cm, Siak II is 48 cm, Siak III is 89 cm, and Siak IV is 92. Deflection on Siak III Bridge was detected at around 25-26 cm. These models could be used as a new way of measuring the bridge deformation on a big scale.
KeywordsPekanbaru; Siak bridges; Small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV); Differential interferometric synthetic; Aperture radar (DInSAR); Deflection
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v4i2.221 |
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