*corresponding author
AbstractThe present paper aims to propose a new type of information-theoretic method to interpret the inference mechanism of neural networks. We interpret the internal inference mechanism for itself without any external methods such as symbolic or fuzzy rules. In addition, we make interpretation processes as stable as possible. This means that we interpret the inference mechanism, considering all internal representations, created by those different conditions and patterns. To make the internal interpretation possible, we try to compress multi-layered neural networks into the simplest ones without hidden layers. Then, the natural information loss in the process of compression is complemented by the introduction of a mutual information augmentation component. The method was applied to two data sets, namely, the glass data set and the pregnancy data set. In both data sets, information augmentation and compression methods could improve generalization performance. In addition, compressed or collective weights from the multi-layered networks tended to produce weights, ironically, similar to the linear correlation coefficients between inputs and targets, while the conventional methods such as the logistic regression analysis failed to do so.
KeywordsMutual information; Internal interpretation; Collective interpretation; Inference mechanism; Generalization
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v5i3.420 |
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