Classifying Barako coffee leaf diseases using deep convolutional models

(1) * Francis Jesmar Perez Montalbo Mail (Technological Institute of the Philippines Manila, Batangas State University, Philippines)
(2) Alexander Arsenio Hernandez Mail (Technological Institute of the Philippines Manila, Philippines)
*corresponding author


This work presents the application of recent Deep Convolutional Models (DCM) to classify Barako leaf diseases. Several selected DCMs performed image classification tasks using Transfer Learning and Fine-Tuning, together with data preprocessing and augmentation. The collected dataset used totals to 4,667. Each labeled into four different classes, which included Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR), Cercospora Leaf Spots (CLS), Sooty Molds (SM), and Healthy Leaves (HL). The DCMs were trained using the partial 4,023 images and validated with the remaining 644. The classification results of the trained models VGG16, Xception, and ResNetV2-152 attained overall accuracies of 97%, 95%, and 91%, respectively. By comparing in terms of True Positive Rate (TPR), we found that Xception has the highest number of correct classifications of CLR, VGG16 with SM, and CLS, while ResNetV2-152 with the lowest TPR for CLR. The evaluated results indicate that the use of Deep Convolutional Models with an adequate amount of data, proper fine-tuning, preprocessing, and transfer learning can yield efficient classifiers for identifying several Barako leaf diseases. This work primarily contributes to the growing field of deep learning, specifically for helping farmers improve their diagnostic process by providing a solution that can automatically classify Barako leaf diseases.


Deep learning; Convolutional neural networks; Classification; Leaf disease; Barako coffee



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