Hybrid approach redefinition with cluster-based instance selection in handling class imbalance problem

(1) * Hartono Hartono Mail (Universitas Potensi Utama, Indonesia)
(2) Erianto Ongko Mail (Akademi Teknologi Industri Immanuel, Indonesia)
(3) Dahlan Abdullah Mail (Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


Class Imbalance problems often occur in the classification process, the existence of these problems is characterized by the tendency of a class to have instances that are much larger than other classes. This problem certainly causes a tendency towards low accuracy in minority classes with smaller number of instances and also causes important information on minority classes not to be obtained. Various methods have been applied to overcome the problem of the imbalance class. One of them is the Hybrid Approach Redefinition method which is one of the Hybrid Ensembles methods. The tendency to pay attention to the performance classifier, has led to an understanding of the importance of selecting an instance that will be used as a classifier. In the classic Hybrid Approach Redefinition method classifier selection is done randomly using the Random Under Sampling approach, and it is interesting to study how performance is obtained if the sampling process is based on Cluster-Based by selecting existing instances. The purpose of this study is to apply the Hybrid Approach Redefinition method with Cluster-Based Instance Selection (CBIS) approach so that it can obtain a better performance classifier. The results showed that Hybrid Approach Redefinition with cluster-based instance selection gave better results on the number of classifiers, data diversity, and performance classifiers compared to classic Hybrid Approach Redefinition.


Class Imbalance;Hybrid Approach Redefinition;Hybrid Ensembles;Classifier;Data Diversity




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