SLA based cloud service composition using genetic algorithm

(1) * N Sasikaladevi Mail (School of Computing, SASTRA University, India)
*corresponding author


Cloud computing tends to provide high quality on-demand services to the users. Numerous services are evolving today. Functionally similar services are having different non-functional properties such as reliability, availability, accessibility, response time and cost. A single service is inadequate for constructing the business process. Such business process is modeled as composite service. Composite service consists of several atomic services connected by workflow patterns. Selecting services for service composition with the constraints specified in Service Level Agreement is the NP-hard problem. Such a cloud service composition problem is modeled in this paper. Genetic based cloud service composition algorithm (GCSC) is proposed. Proposed algorithm is compared with the existing genetic based cloud service composition algorithm based on average utility rate and convergence time. It is proved that the proposed algorithm provides better performance as compared to the existing cloud service composition algorithm.



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