(2) Kusman Sadik (Bogor Agriculture University, Indonesia)
(3) Indahwati Indahwati (Bogor Agriculture University, Indonesia)
*corresponding author
AbstractPoisson distribution is one of discrete distribution that is often used in modeling of rare events. The data obtained in form of counts with non-negative integers. One of analysis that is used in modeling count data is Poisson regression. Deviation of assumption that often occurs in the Poisson regression is overdispersion. Cause of overdispersion is an excess zero probability on the response variable. Solving model that be used to overcome of overdispersion is zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression. The research aimed to develop a study of overdispersion for Poisson and ZIP regression on some characteristics of the data. Overdispersion on some characteristics of the data that were studied in this research are simulated by combining the parameter of Poisson distribution (λ), zero probability (p), and sample size (n) on the response variable then comparing the Poisson and ZIP regression models. Overdispersion study on data simulation showed that the larger λ, n, and p, the better is the model of ZIP than Poisson regression. The results of this simulation are also strengthened by the exploration of Pearson residual in Poisson and ZIP regression.
KeywordsOverdispersion; Poisson; Zero Inflated Poisson Regression; Simulation Data
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26555/ijain.v2i3.73 |
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