Brainwaves feature classification by applying K-Means clustering using single-sensor EEG

(1) * Ahmad Azhari Mail (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia)
(2) Leonel Hernandez Mail (Institucion Universitaria – ITSA, Colombia)
*corresponding author


The use of brainwave signal is a step in the introduction of the individual identity using biometric technology based on characteristics of the body. Brainwave signal has unique characteristics and different on each individual because the brainwave cannot be read or copied by people so it is not possible to have a similarity of one person with another person. To be able to process the identification of individual characteristics, which obtained from the signal brainwave, required a pattern of brain activity that is prominent and constant. Cognitive activity testing using a single-sensor EEG (Electroencephalogram) divided into two categories, called the activity of cognitive involving the ability of the right brain (creativity, imagination, holistic thinking, intuition, arts, rhythms, nonverbal, feelings, visualization, tune of songs, daydreaming) and the left brain (logic, analysis, sequences, linear, mathematics, language, facts, think in words, word of songs, computation) give a different cluster based on two times the test on mathematical activities (no cluster slices of experiment 1 and experiment 2). The result showed that cognitive activity based on math activity can provide a signal characteristic that can be used as the basis for a brain-computer interface applications development by utilizing EEG single-sensor.


EEG; Brainwaves; Cognitive Task; Kmeans Clustering



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