Tumor-Net: convolutional neural network modeling for classifying brain tumors from MRI images

(1) * Abu Kowshir Bitto Mail (Daffodil International University, Bangladesh)
(2) Md. Hasan Imam Bijoy Mail (Daffodil International University, Bangladesh)
(3) Sabina Yesmin Mail (Daffodil International University, Bangladesh)
(4) Imran Mahmud Mail (Daffodil International University, Bangladesh)
(5) Md. Jueal Mia Mail (Daffodil International University, Bangladesh)
(6) Khalid Been Badruzzaman Biplob Mail (Daffodil International University, Bangladesh)
*corresponding author


Abnormal brain tissue or cell growth is known as a brain tumor. One of the body's most intricate organs is the brain, where billions of cells work together. As a head tumor grows, the brain suffers damage due to its increasingly dense core. Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is a type of medical imaging that enables radiologists to view the inside of body structures without the need for surgery. The image-based medical diagnosis expert system is crucial for a brain tumor patient. In this study, we combined two Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-based image datasets from Figshare and Kaggle to identify brain tumor MRI using a variety of convolutional neural network designs. To achieve competitive performance, we employ several data preprocessing techniques, such as resizing and enhancing contrast. The image augmentation techniques (E.g., rotated, width shifted, height shifted, shear shifted, and horizontally flipped) are used to increase data size, and five pre-trained models employed, including VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNet-50, Xception, and Inception-V3. The model with the highest accuracy, ResNet-50, performs at 96.76 percent. The model with the highest precision overall is Inception V3, with a precision score of 98.83 percent. ResNet-50 performs at 96.96% for F1-Score. The prominent accuracy of the implemented model, i.e., ResNet-50, compared with several earlier studies to validate the consequence of this introspection. The outcome of this study can be used in the medical diagnosis of brain tumors with an MRI-based expert system.


Brain Tumor; MRI Images; VGG16; VGG19; ResNet50.




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